Channel 4 / Numiko - Beatbox Choir
The Beatbox Choir needs rappers, beatboxers and singers to come together to perform ‘We are the People’, an original track made completely by the human voice. No instruments. 100% acapella.
You could use this site to interact with the track and add your voice to this unique piece of music. Taking part was easy: just watch the videos, select the part you want to perform, learn it and submit your video performance
Channel 4 added the winning video to a final film that was broadcast on Channel 4 – bringing together the world’s biggest Rap Beatbox Choir on screen.
This was a technically challenging piece involving the synchronous playback (and buffering) of 12 videos, which came together as a single track. You could isolate, mute and form the track how you wanted to play it.
It won an FWA site of the day award.