Sky - Learning at Work Week, 2016
Client: Learning Pool / SKY
Technology/platform: SCORM wrapped web app / JavaScript / React / Phaser
"Everyone at Sky has control of their learning plan and career development. Managers and learners have the freedom to build learning plans based around individual needs, personal development goals and career aspirations".
This was a browser based HTML5 game for Sky's Learning at Work Week, 2016, working on all browsers across all devices, mobile to desktop.
As part of the week-long global Learning At Work week, Sky wanted to develop a game to raise awareness of the various opportunities for learning around the business.
For each day during learning week, the users had a chance to play the game, the objective being to get a high score. At the end of the week, the user with the highest score would win a prize.
This was built around a SCORM wrapper to fit into Sky's Learning Management System, but rather than being an involved learning game, it was purely a tool to help promote the week.
Although it was available internally, you can try the game out here and a preview version on this site.
The target audience was all colleagues within Sky.